November 13, 2023 Cambridge Board Meeting
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Submitted by takers on Fri, 10/20/2023 - 3:25pm
Monday, November 13, 2023 - 7:00pm
“Cambridge Schools in partnership with our families and community members are committed to instilling in our students; Academic Excellence, Creativity, Integrity, Leadership, Responsible Citizenship, and Self-Motivated Learners.”
November 13, 2023
7:00 p.m.
In Classroom #19
1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Roll Call
3. Consent Agenda:
- Minutes of the October 19, 2023 regular meeting
- Bills through November 16, 2023
- Revolving Fund through October 2023
- Treasurer’s Report for October 2023
- Grade School Activity Report and the Junior/Senior High School Activity Report for October 2023.
4. Reports from Board of Education on Meetings Attended
5. Administrative Reports:
- Jr. High/High School Principal
- Elementary Principal
- Superintendent
- Agriculture Complex Project Update
6. Correspondence:
7. Public Participation
8. Action Items:
a. Approve the 2023 Levy for Display
b. Approve December 19, 2023 for the December Board Meeting
c. Approve December 19, 2023 at 6:45 P.M. for the District Levy Hearing
d. Approve Delegate for Triple I Conference Assembly
e. Approve the Amended 2024-2025 Calendar
f. Approve the Cambridge E Learning Plan
g. Approve the Creation of a Junior High Boys Basketball Activity Account and Junior
High Girls Basketball Activity Account.
h. Approve the Fiscal Year 2023 Audit.
i. Approve Amanda Bennett and Brooklyn Johnson as Junior High Volleyball Coaches
9. Executive session for the purpose of discussing the appointment,
employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees
or members of the public body or student discipline.
10 . Actions Resulting From Closed Session:
11. Adjournment
Groups audience: