April 20, 2023 Cambridge School Board Meeting
Primary tabs
- The Minutes of the March 16, 2023 regular meeting
- The Bills through April 20, 2023
- The Revolving Fund through March, 2023
- The Treasurer’s Report for March, 2023
- The Grade School Activity Report and the Junior/Senior High School Activity Report for March, 2023
- Second Reading of Policy 7:40
- First Reading of Policy 7:240, 7:240 AP2, 7:240 AP2 E1.
- Letter of Resignation from Kelsey Zwicker as High School Cheerleading Coach
- Letter of Intent to Retire from Lisa Miller
- Consideration of Soccer Coop for Boys and Girls Soccer with Orion School District and Sherrard School District for the 2023-24 school year and 2024-25 school year.
- Announcement of Vacancy for a Board Position in the Rural Districts
a. Approve the list of 2023 Cambridge High School Graduates Dependant Upon
Meeting the Requirements for Graduation.
b. Approve the Job Description for a Multi Tiered System of Supports Coordinator.
c. Approve Membership in the following:
1. Illinois High School Sports Association
2. Illinois Elementary Sports Association
d. Approve Toni Litton as High School Varsity Volleyball Coach
10. Executive session for the purpose of discussing the appointment, employment,