August 18 Cambridge Regular School Board Agenda
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Submitted by takers on Fri, 06/24/2022 - 8:53am
Thursday, August 18, 2022 - 7:00pm
“Cambridge Schools in partnership with our families and community members are committed to instilling in our students; Academic Excellence, Creativity, Integrity, Leadership, Responsible Citizenship, and Self-Motivated Learners.”
August 18, 2022
7:00 p.m.
In Cambridge Elementary Classroom #19
312 South West Street
Cambridge, Illinois 61238
1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Roll Call
3. Consent Agenda:
- Minutes of the June 23, 2022 meeting both open and closed,
- The bills through August 18 , 2022,
- Revolving Fund through July 2022,
- Treasurer’s Report for July 2022,
- Grade School Activity Report and the Junior/Senior High School Activity Report for July 2022.
4. Report from Board of Education on Meetings Attended
5. Administrative Reports:
- Elementary Principal
- Jr. High/High School Principal
- Superintendent
6. Correspondence:
a. Letter of Resignation from Paul Schotz as Cambridge Jr/Sr High School PE/Health Teacher
b. Letter of Resigantion from Tom Frew as Elementary Dishwasher
7. Public Participation:
8. Old Business:
9. New Business:
a. Approve the Fiscal Year 2023 Cambridge CUSD #227 Budget to be put on Display
b. Approve September 15, 2022 at 6:45 pm for the Budget Hearing
c. Certify that the IDOT Serious Safety Hazard Still Exists, #227-96-1
d. Approve changes in the Cambridge Elementary and Jr/Sr High School Handbooks
e. Approve the recommendation to keep the Executive Minutes from January, 2022 until July, 2022 closed
f. Approve the following personnel:
1. Tim Seward-Jr High Social Studies Teacher
2. Lauren Claus-Jr/Sr High School Health/PE Teacher
3. John Foley-Dishwash, Cambridge Elementary
4. Connie Bowers-Evening Custodian, Cambriddge Elementary
5. Kyle Schipper-HS Football Assistant Coach
6. Brent Vincent- HS Boys Basketball Coach
g. Approve the following Activity Accounts for Cambridge Jr/Sr High School
1. Junior High Softball
2. Junior High Cheerleading
3. Junior High Girls Basketball
4. Scholastic Bowl
10. Closed Session For the Purpose of discussing the employment of personnel and student discipline
11. Action Items Resulting From Closed Session
12. Adjournment
Next Meeting: September 18, 2022
Groups audience: